Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween, dreamers!

Halloween has been my favorite holiday for a long time now. And who doesn't love it? It's all inclusive. You don't have to dress up to enjoy a pumpkin flavored donut. Or, if that's not your thing, you can carve pumpkins and eat candy. Or watch scary movies. Or watch funny movies. Or at the very least, watch Hocus Pocus. Because, that movie is still legitimate. 

I'm so happy I get to share this holiday with two new, and very important things in my life. 

One) My husband and I found out this summer that we're having a baby. And yesterday, we found out that it's a boy. I'm very happy and excited to be a new mom, and so grateful for this new adventure. 

Two) My book is out there in the world for people to read, and see and review. It's the most nerve-wracking and incredible experience. 

Being a writer has been such a fun and intense experience. But, I wouldn't trade it for anything. And I know, being a mom will be the same way. Though, I have a lot less control over the components as a mom, than I do as a writer. (Although, sometimes it feels like I have no control over my characters, so maybe I have about the same amount of control.)

Wishing all of you a very safe, fun, and scary holiday. Hoping you're all feeling as mushy and grateful as me today. 

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